Entrepreneurial inspiration for students and young offenders

Success stories - student presentation feedback

98% provided a very positive response. The average score for the presentation was 8 out of 10 in relation to how the presentation showed different routes of success, how motivating they found it and how it inspired them to reach their full potential.

Below is the feedback provided by the students after the presentation when they were asked the following question?

What did you enjoy most about today's presentation?

Head Teacher's feedback

Robert Stewart delivered a highly motivational and inspiring session to my team (a group of youngsters aged 16-25 yrs currently on a Prince's Trust development programme). The team were all engaged throughout the session as well as being keen and enthusiastic to interact and learn from him. I would happily invite Rob back to work with any of my subsequent teams to deliver a session, as I am sure the impact is significant.quotes

Lucy Tobias - Team Leader
Princes Trust Team Programme Stevenage

I am writing to thank you very much for the Presentation you gave to year 11 students on 26th February. The feedback has been excellent - the students found the whole presentation very interesting and stimulating. The staff I have spoken to also enjoyed it and thought it extremely useful for the students. This sort of presentation is ideal for students - they not only get to hear people already in the world of work but it gives them the opportunity to start thinking about what they need to do to be successful. Once again, many thanks and all best wishes with future presentations. Thanks also to Graham - I hope he enjoyed being back in school!quotes

Linda Devlin - Headteacher
The Heathcote School

I am writing to confirm our absolute delight at the “Uniqueness” presentation which Robert Stewart organised for our school. The session was a pure inspiration to our students. The Thomas International profiles were a really thought provoking activity which focussed the students' minds on their own strengths. The profiles which came back to us were not only useful, they were also so accurate. They provided an excellent basis for career discussions, self esteem, boosting and self-reflection for all who completed it. The remainder of the session, with the talk, was not only interesting and enjoyable but also served as an excellent tool to aid students on self-appreciation and self understanding. Our students so often see limited horizons and this enabled them to really value their own skills and use these to aspire higher. I thank you again for this presentation and hope that you will be able to repeat the experience annually for future generations of our students.quotes

Dr J Francis - Headteacher
The Collenswood School

Thank you so much for your inspiring presentation to our year 11 students in January. I really enjoyed our conversation about how we all need to unlock potential within young people and I recommend you and your colleagues in how professionally and effectively you conveyed this. I must tell you the impact you made on some of them. One boy deeply disaffected almost disengaged completely in terms of attendance but with the potential to do something in his life was genuinely moved by your life. The boy who received the prize (for which much thanks) has stayed with us over these last few months when likelihood was that he would have disappeared. A girl who couldn't quite believe that she was able to dream the big dreams was so inspired that she badgered her teachers until she had her career plan clearly in place. Finally thank you for showing us the Thomas International material my staff and I have found it worryingly accurate. I would be happy to speak to anyone (headteachers or business leader) about how useful and transformational your work in my school has been.quotes

Mr P A Marshall - Headteacher
The Marriotts School


We would like to say a sincere THANK YOU to the sponsors who have provided financial support or enormous time and goodwill of talented individuals within their organisations.

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Uniqueness - entrepreneurial inspiration for students and young offenders